Hello Folks.
As promised, here I am back with knitterly goings on.
First of all my purchases from the Plassard Yarn Shop.
Granitée, a wool alpaca mix 11 balls.
Pastorale, wool acrylic mix, 11 balls. I loved the colour of this.
All the following from the bargain bin :-)
Single ball of Pichenette, mohair.
4 balls of Graphic, no ball bands.
Three balls of Schoeller and Stall Zermatt,
and lastly a single ball of Baroque a loosely spun chunky yarn.
This has already been turned into a rib hat. I used every last cm of yarn.
I seem to have fallen well off the 'only one large project and one small project' wagon. Oh dear.
I started this waistcoat as car knitting, whilst not driving through France.

Most of the back is now done.
I've still got the green Olivia Jumper OTN. I've finished the back, a sleeve and started the front.
I started an alpaca sock. I dyed the yarn myself.
I've also started a very simple, garter stitch T-shape jumper with the Pastorale, 7mm needles, so shouldn't take long.
Also a pair of scrappy socks, two stripes of each yarn, changing yarn as I fancy.
This does leave lots of ends but I'm weaving in; across the top of the foot, as I go.
So all in all, nowhere near two items. I find if I have too many things on the go I don't seem to finish any of them, so fingers crossed.
My Mum has also been making uterus and baby hats ~ thanks Mum.
This week my class went to Bristol for a look round the harbour and a sail on The Matthew, a replica of John Cabot's ship which sailed to Newfoundland 500 years ago. It was bitterly cold but we had a good time.
A bronze of John Cabot.
The ropes always fascinate me.
We sailed past Brunel's SS Great Britain.
Up and down the harbour.
Colourful houses, new
and old.
A lone seagull in Millenium Square, walking on water.
He looks as cold as we were.
A good day out but sooooo cold. If my teacher suggests a day out in February again, I'll put my foot down!
I need to get sending tea out for the Tea Swap, organised by LucyintheSky, not even got round to that yet. I've had two packages from The States already!
So, that's about it for now, best I get knitting!
Have fun.
Byeeeee...................Clicky Needles.