Hello there!
August and most of September has run away with me so here's a quick round up of what I've been up to.
I picked up some nice (free) Christmas decorations fairly locally.

When I came to leave the lady's house my car broke down, I had to wait 2 hours for the RAC arrive and was towed on a fixed bar back to the garage up and down the Cotswold Hills which was terrifying.
Two weeks later and an eye watering bill, I had my car back.

I have used my 'new' Singer to make an overnight bag.

My lovely niece has been coming to visit and we have been making together, the Singer was on the table and she had a go. With a few cranks of the handle she was smitten. So much so that I've found her a machine of her own called Flo. It was frozen solid but with copious amounts of oil is now running smoothly.
She has used Flo to make a mini quilt to go underneath when when using her and is now busy making cushions.

She's been making bits and pieces too. A bottle top pin cushion in embroidered felt.
She hadn't tried hoop embroidery either so had a go at that.
I have finished the key ring from the spring Craftpod.
I made a plant hanger using Twool.
Nothing fancy, but it's doing the job.
My String of Hearts really needed a hanger, it's nearly touching the floor.
I finished my winter embroidery from Cloudcraft which was a free pattern with the newsletter, from last year.
I continue to look after my 15 month old granddaughter one day a week, which is massive fun but very tiring.
We found a book on our walk by the canal the other week, part of the Look for a Book scheme which runs all across the UK. A book is left in a public place in a plastic bag with a log, and if you fancy you can take it home, read and re-hide it. We have found books in the past which were way too old but this one is just perfect.
We've not been able to re-hide yet as she likes it too much!
Autumn is definitely upon us, although there are still warm days and I am still in flip flops and skirts for now and I haven't lit the fire yet.
Hopefully I'll be back to weekly blogging, things seem to have run away with me lately. I'm off now to catch up on everybody else.
See you soon.........Clicky Needles.