Scavenger Hunt

Monday 25 March 2013

Holidays. Thank Goodness.


As I mentioned in my February Mosaic Post I've had the lurgy.  Nasty flu which laid me (and DS) low for 10 days and knocked me for 6.  I didn't eat and more importantly didn't even feel like knitting, just me and DS lying in bed or on the sofa watching TV.

There have been other members of staff absent at school too, so this week I had to spend an afternoon in the Infants, which I can tell you was no mean feat for me.  All afternoon being smiley and nice, it nearly killed me, although I did enjoy reading a story to the reception class as I don't get to do that anymore.

School has finished now and like much of the rest of the UK it has turned icy cold for Easter.  Luckily we haven't got any snow like most but it is cold.

I got some lovely tulips to cheer me up.  I pricked them behind the flower with a pin as recommended on many blogs and it seems to work.  They are still poker straight 4 days after buying.
 It's my Dad's birthday today, so a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to him, we had a birthday tea for him yesterday.

I made fairy cakes with some whizzy cases from Sainsbury's....
 .......and DS decorated them.
 I'm not sure why he thought Grandad would like pink icing but never mind.
 We had sandwiches, two tone jelly and pink blancmange :o)
 On the knitting front, I have made this month's squares....
 ...and made the front of a crochet cushion cover.
Mr Clicky and me and our friends B and S are over to our little house in France over Easter.  We have lots of work to do.  Today I've been making gallons of stew, bolognese and sausage casserole to feed us while we are away ~ when you've been hard at work no one wants to cook ~ and DD who is staying to look after the dog.  DS is going to my parents, so he can incessantly natter to my Dad who will incessantly natter back!

In France we plan to lift tiles from the downstairs rooms, empty the attic of old roof tiles, clear some more of the garden and paint the shutters.  We're also meeting with more tradesmen and to talk with the builder we've decided to use.
Hopefully there will be no snow as there was in February.
We need to be at Eurotunnel at 4.45am so rising at 2.00am to get there on time from London.   We've lots of Peppermint Cremes and Wine Gums to keep us fuelled whilst driving. 

Right, I need to go and think about packing.  Lots of tools and no clothes!

See you soon and keep warm....Clicky Needles. 

Friday 8 March 2013

February Mosaic

Hi there.

All quiet from me, I've had The Lurgy which is sweeping Gloucestershire Schools at the moment.  We had 9 children off in our class at one point and I managed to catch it too.  Feeling tired and washed out I can cope with but the high temperature was something else.  I passed it onto DS who has decided I need to stop working in a school.

Anyway here's my Mosaic for February.

It makes me feel cold.  Cold in France, very cold day out in Bristol and a cold looking dog, who is settling into our family life well.

See you soon.
Clicky Needles.