Scavenger Hunt

Sunday, 2 December 2012

Little Blanket Ta-Dah!!!!

Hello Folks.

Well, time has marched on hasn't it?  At least the first weekend of December has seen some frost and an end to all the rain.  Nativity rehearsals are well under way at school and Christmas decorations will be on my job list for tomorrow.

I finished the little dolly blanket for my neighbour's granddaughter and I gave it to her on Friday.  She hid behind her granny for a bit and then gave me a huge smile and announced she'll be using it for her new dollies at home.
 I joined the squares 'on the go' and added a few rows of trebles for the border.  

I've  made some Christmas Garlands with the felt and ric-rac I bought at Ally Pally.   I think they will be suitably bright to match the colour scheme this year.
I added a few more rows to my Beach Stripe Blanket, not much more to go now.

As I had my bag of bright acrylic out  I couldn't resist a larger granny square.  I'd forgotten how much I enjoy a granny square and I think I might make a few more and join them together.  Who knows where this may end up?  I've not mentioned this to Mr Clicky however, as he will be giving me his "do we really need another blanket?" look.
Of course, all of these little projects are UAT ~ Uterus Avoidance Tactics.  
Let me explain.
If you've followed my blog for a bit you might remember that DD went with my S-I-L to Ethiopia last November.  The Charity is called Midwives@Ethiopia: various health professionals teach local midwives best practice and how to improve maternal health.  Here's their website.  If you scroll down you can see  my S-I-L in the stripy t-shirt with my DD.

 Here's my post about their trip last year.  I knitted a few hats which they took with them.

A little while ago I got a request from S-I-L, could I knit some uterus' (uterii???) for her to take out on her next trip?  
"No problem," I said, "Easy."  
So far I've finished two and a half.
Two have been knitted in the round, the third I'm making flat, slightly less concentration needed.  S-I-L would like 100.  She's going in May.  That makes five a week.  I'm fed up and I'm only on the third, so UAT will continue.  
Oh dear.
The work they do makes a real difference and these are used as teaching aids.
If anybody is taking pity on me and would like to help out by making one I'd be hugely grateful.  The pattern can be found by clicking on the pattern tab.  Thanks.

Right, time to go now. Tomorrow 'll be chopping down a Christmas Tree from the school field with the Head and decorating it.
It's not really work, is it?

Byeeee.................Clicky Needles.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I love your blankets and bunting. The colours are gorgeous, and the bunting is a great idea!

    Your, um, thingies(!) are great, and they are definately for a worth-while cause, but (and feel free to tell me to shut the beep up here!!) maybe SIL is being a tad unrealistic to expect 100. Since, you know, you have a few other things on like, um, work and a family to look after! I say do as many as you're happy doing, and don't beat yourself up about it. I'm going to shut up now!

    I deleted my first comment because I should really read the post properly before replying! Sorry!!

    1. Hehe, yes, it is worthwhile. I may have to confess I was tasked a few months ago! I'll do what I can.

  3. Gorgeous, I would have been so tempted to not hand over the mini blanket and run it up into a cushion cover. Love the colour combos. Also great to see the beach stripe coming on so wonderfully, and neatly, I was wondering how that was coming on. Fiona x

  4. You've been very busy, haven't you? What a nice person you are to make a little dolly blanket. I've made those for my granddaughters and they love them.

    ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉
    *M*E*R*R*Y* *C*H*R*I*S*T*M*A*S*!*
    ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉

    ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  5. Soooooooo busy and productive, CN! Bravo! I love the dolly blanket especially, but enjoy viewing all your projects and am inspired by all your productivity!!! Blessings to you and yours. xx from Gracie

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Thanks so much for popping in to read my ramblings!
Please leave a comment ~ I do appreciate them.

Clicky Needles.