Hello Folks!
I hope you had a wonderful Christmas.
We spent Christmas Day at home, just the four of us. Christmas is a little less exciting than it used to be, with our two not being little anymore and we got up at a civilised 8 o'clock. I can still enjoy the excitement at school, wearing tinsel in my hair and covering myself in glitter but at home it's a bit more subdued than it used to be.
Our little Nativity set still comes out with a rogue llama loitering in the background.
We had roast lamb for Christmas lunch, we're not that wild on turkey and steamed syrup pudding to follow, as we're not wild on Christmas Pud either! I drank lots of pink fizz ~ in the background Master Clicky's best present, an elastic band ball! We had a nice together time and then Miss Clicky went to spend the evening with her boyfriend's family.
I had the usual manner of presents from the children in my class, candles, soaps and chocolates which are always gratefully received. I also was given some Christmas Tea which is new for me. I can only describe it as tea crossed with mulled wine, a cup a day is enough for me.
My Mum and Dad gave me this lovely sheep, at the moment she's sitting in front of the wood basket keeping a beady eye on us.
This was the first Christmas that Tipper has spent with us. He had to sniff every one of our presents as we opened them and of course, he had a few of his own which he was very good at unwrapping. He had a new tuggy which had a ball attached but that was chewed off within a few hours. It's the one under his paw and he's not giving it up!
With more time on my hands I have been knitting a bit more.
My Delightful Mix and Match Socks are coming along nicely. No two will be the same.
There are three rows of each colour ~ the background at the moment is either pale green or shades of grey. Despite the fact that the yarn ~ Drops Delight ~ goes a bit thick and thin, it's very soft and fluffy, perfect for cosy socks.
I'm loving the stripes so much.

I've been cutting the colours to make them work better, there was no way I was going to have this scrummy purple going up my leg where it wasn't going to be seen. The purple and green is giving me heart skippy moments ~ I consider myself a down-to-earth sort of girl but it really is making me swoon.
Righto I must be off now, I need to make a chocolate log for lunch at my Mum and Dad's tomorrow.
See you soon.
Have fun.............................Clicky Needles.