Scavenger Hunt

Sunday, 17 May 2015

Caramel is finished!

Hello folks.

At last I have finished my Caramel Cardigan.  You may remember I cast it on Christmas Day and it took three weeks to realise it was on the wrong size needles.  Anyhoo all done now.  Most of the yarn was gifted to me by my lovely knitting pal Romain.  I am very pleased with it.
 I had a little surprise in the post this week.
 I won an online giveaway from Let's Get Crafting magazine.  Five pretty stitch markers ~ always useful!
Thanks for your birthday wishes for my children, Master Clicky is into his GCSEs, he has two subjects this week, some days with nothing so he can stay at home or go into school to revise. 

With my Caramel finished I am now working on my Daybreak Shawl, but there is a little faffing around as my stitch count seems to be wrong.  *sigh*  I need to get it sorted as I'm off to France with my friend B next week and it will be the perfect car knitting project.  We're going to do some more work on our little house, namely tiling the bathroom floor.  This could be interesting as it is not something I've done before.  

Wish me luck!   
Bye for now .............Clicky Needles.


  1. Your sweater turned out gorgeous! Good job on winning those cool charms/markers. I hope your tiling project works well and have fun in France! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  2. I like the button on the cardigan, colors, too.

  3. Your Caramel is simply gorgeous. I can't believe you knit it up so fast. I love it. Have fun tiling your floor.

  4. Lovely blend of colours on your cardigan, Clicky. It looks fab and very cosy too.

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Thanks so much for popping in to read my ramblings!
Please leave a comment ~ I do appreciate them.

Clicky Needles.