Scavenger Hunt

Thursday 11 June 2015


Hello there.

I'm back from France and lots of work.  It's great to go and work on the house but it means that the time for half term doesn't get spent here, in this house.  I'm just about catching up.

The garden was looking a bit like a jungle but I'm not showing you that! instead I found some flowers.

I have lots of self seeded alliums,  I love the purple balls that appear.
I've also got the large alliums, this is like a football when it's fully open.
Aquilegia, love these colours.
A blousy red poppy.
Love in the Mist
and our clematis Montana, which needs a jolly good chop back, a job to be done when it's finished flowering.
I didn't do an awful lot of knitting whilst in France, mainly due to the fact that I was too tired to knit in the evenings.  To be honest I could barely lift a wine glass although we did manage one very low scoring game of Scrabble.

Back at home I've added some of the colour rows to my Daybreak and I'm very pleased with it.
 It's been a quiet week here, just Master Clicky and me.  Mr Clicky has been in Germany on business and Miss Clicky in Turkey enjoying the sun.  Master Clicky continues on with his GCSEs he's got just two left now.

That's me for now, I'll let you know when tales of our French exploits are ready!

Se you soon......Clicky Needles.


  1. Glad you are home after a good time in France. Love your knitting and that poppy is gorgeous.

  2. I look forward to seeing photos from what you're doing in France. I like the colorful knitting you're doing. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  3. That second allium, is it Christophii? It looks magnificent. My Poppy has a tight bud still and not very big either, unlike last year.

  4. You guys have been little globe trotters!!! lol I would love
    to visit any one of those long as there was
    a stop in Italy (my favourite). Lovely flowers and cute knitting.
    Cheers, Anita.

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Please leave a comment ~ I do appreciate them.

Clicky Needles.