Scavenger Hunt

Sunday, 28 June 2015

Another Tote Bag

Hello Folks!

Master Clicky has finished now his GCSEs, and school as well.  The secondary school that he and Miss Clicky went to is now no longer in our family life.  This feels a bit strange. 

 I have made another 40 minute tote from The Purl Bee, for Master Clicky's head of year.  This last year hasn't always been a smooth one for him but she was very supportive and I wanted to give her something that wasn't the usual box of chocolates.  As this is the 4th one I have made, I am getting quicker, but I'm not yet down to 40 minutes!  This one is also made from tea towels.  The straps don't have a green tinge, just strange light.  
The reverse has a geometric print.

All in all I'm pleased with the results.  It is a little narrower than I had hoped, but I used one tea towel for the lining and the other for the outer, therefore I didn't have much fabric to play with!

My iPad has been out of action for a week or so while the glass was being fixed, so work on my Daybreak Shawl has progressed nicely.  There will be lots of pesky ends to deal with but heyho!  I'm nearing the border, but the rows are getting so big.   At knitting group yesterday I managed 6 rows in 2 hours :-)
I'm very busy at work at the moment, we have the end of year production with all it's props and costumes to sort, books to be archived, mountains of filing to do, sports day...............oh! and children to work with too.   

I leave you with my latest gardening gloves,  snazzy aren't they?  I couldn't decide which I liked the most, spots or plain, so I bought them all.

Righto, I'll see you all soon.

Bye for now..........Clicky Needles.


  1. I like your bags.. a nice gift to give. And the knitting.. love the colors! You must do a lot of gardening to use that many gloves. lol! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  2. Your shawl is lovely. You are very brave to make something with all those ends.

  3. Your shawl is lovely. You are very brave to make something with all those ends.

  4. The bag material is so pretty and I love how it turned out. Happy end fastening for your amazing shawl. I hope your end of school activities all whirl to a positive conclusion, and that you enjoy your stylish gardening efforts :) xx

  5. The bag is gorgeous ... I love the different sides to it! I'm in the same place re shawls, as mine has just reached that 'long row' stage!!! Can't wait for cast off time!!! xxx

  6. p.s. LOVE all the gardening gloves! Good move to buy them all!

  7. Great post, love the indecision leading to lots of gloves!

  8. I am in love with the bag and feel I need one too! Hugs to you,

  9. Great bag!!! I would love all those gloves, but they are always too small for my great long fingers, fab colours aren't they! xx

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Clicky Needles.