Scavenger Hunt

Sunday, 19 March 2017

Time to Join

Hello All!

It's joining time for the Wedding Blanket.  This is my first attempt.  Two clusters of 4 trebles each and 4 double trebles (with 2 slip stitches) on the corners.  I wasn't happy with the way that the squares laid together.  Can you see?  They're not very flat ~ quite lumpy in fact.
The corners also didn't look good to me.  I didn't like the big gaps between the trebles and the corners.
This is attempt no 2.  6 double trebles in the corners 
and an extra join before the corners.  It lies much flatter now, those extra stitches have filled in the bumps.  I'm much happier with this.  
I have fitted in a little bit of sewing lately too.  Mum gave me a cutting mat for Christmas or Birthday,  I forget which, and Mr Clicky gave me the ruler and rotary cutter, so I thought it was time to use them.  OH BLIMEY!!!!  Why didn't I get them earlier?  Cutting out was a cinch.
I made two little bags for small knitting projects, not for me but two girls at school, out of some old curtain material I had.  We spend 15 minutes of our lunch time knitting and chatting.  One of the girls has just lost her gran and she was the one who helped her with her knitting so I offered to help instead.
I'm pleased to say, they were pleased.
The extension continues on at a pace, the roof joists are going in now.  Every evening I drive home desperate to find out what has happened during the day.  So exciting!

Right that's me for now,  I'm off to do some more joining.

Have a good week................Clicky Needles. 


  1. Such a pretty way to join your blocks! And sewing projects accomplished, nice to have such a productive week!

  2. The blanket is going to be fabulous. I am glad you added the stitches to the corners, it helps. The extension looks great.

  3. The blanket is looking wonderful so far and it helped to add the stitches! I like the bags you made too, those should be helpful for storing all the things we need when creating.


Thanks so much for popping in to read my ramblings!
Please leave a comment ~ I do appreciate them.

Clicky Needles.