Hello All.
Well, the same as most of the rest of the UK it had been hot and sunny in these parts. I don't think it can have rained for a month. The grass and verges are turning brown and it looks more like The Med than Britain. England didn't win the World Cup but they did really well and made us proud which was nearly as good as winning and I had France in the sweepstake so that's fine too.
As you know my garden isn't up to much at the moment but I have two roses that are looking quite good but as you can see from the pictures they are looking like they need some water. This lovely pink one is called Geoff Hamilton, a name from the past for you, and has a lovely scent.
This is a nondescript climber that I got in a sale at the garden centre many years ago. It climbs up high and flowers there too ~ I know I need to prune it properly ~ so I've always though it was an apricot colour when I've looked at it high up. It also has a lovely scent and turns out it has a pink tinge to it when it starts to fade, a bit of a surprise.

I've been hard at work on the blanket, Teresa commented that I must really love the couple that are getting married to put all the work in. She is the teacher I work with and yes, we do have a good relationship ~ I guess you need that with a bunch of 5 years old to contain ~ although for me, things become a chore and less of a pleasure if I have a date to finish by. With this in mind I set myself up in the garden with a nice cool drink to sew the ends in. I found a BBC podcast called Home Front, a dramatisation of how it would have been for families left behind in England in World War One. I am totally hooked and the ends seemed to take care of themselves.
Before I knew it the job was finished.
I've laid them out on the kitchen floor and tweaked the squares so colours do not clash too much, and now I need to attach them. Nearly done!
Well that's me for now, it rained for about a minute as I was typing this but now the sun is out again. I will be watering tonight.
Have a great week................Clicky Needles.