Scavenger Hunt

Saturday 20 February 2021

Link Up Party: Unexpected.

 Today's Scavenger Hunt word is unexpected.  

My Friday was unexpected, I ended up at the vet with the dog with a bleeding paw which I couldn't stop.  He now has a massive bandage on it.  No pictures of that, it wasn't very pretty.  

So, something else unexpected came to me this week.  I found a free zippy greenhouse locally.  I am growing flowers for cutting this year, something I have never done before. 

I gave it a good wash down and erected it on the patio, as there is no where else for it to goWho needs to sit on the patio anyway?  

I weighted it down with a paving slab and it is pegged down by guy ropes.

It only has shelves on one side,

so I found a cheap shoe rack for shelving on the other side.  I think I can fit 15 seed trays on here.

I am now starting to sow seeds in earnest, germinating them indoors and moving them into The Zippy.  Let's hope the summer will be filled with colour.

I wonder what was unexpected for everyone else.  Thanks Kate for organising. 


  1. Wonderful; a great example of recycling and making do on the cheap. Top marks. That shoe rack was a great idea. Here's to happy flowers for you later in the year.

  2. Oh what a find ... our seedlings are all accumulating at the back of our kitchen at the moment. I have been too scared to move them to our tiny zippy greenhouse as it has just been so cold. I have been amazed at how quickly some stuff has come through though ... cosmos in about seven days. I think I will have to take a chance soon and move them as I am fast running out of space 😃

  3. Exciting stuff. Sweat peas, cosmos, dahlias, cornflowers - those are my requests! I have a greenhouse all packed up in the garage waiting to be erected but it has not been the weather for us to get stuck into it. I am dreaming of tomoatoes - loads of tomatoes. Jo x

  4. I'll look forward to seeing all your lovely flowers in spring/summer...they will be a mass of colour! Great that it cost you practically nothing to set up. keep well Amanda x

  5. I like the shoe rack as a greenhouse shelf, it's a great idea. A shame about your dog's paw, I hope it heals quickly for him :)

  6. Oh no poor paw! Hope he mends soon - how did he cut it? as for your other 'unexpected' how wonderful! I am sure you will get so much pleasure out of it, clever use of the shoe rack 🌱

  7. Oh no, poor pup. I hope he's doing better now.
    Wow, what a fab free find and a great idea to add the added "shelves"!

  8. Had to smile, as I read your story about your dog's cut foot I immediately thought 'Oh poor paw!!' Now when reading the above comments I saw Kate had used the same words - a family expression!! Your greenhouse was a good find. Best of luck with it. xx

  9. Lucky you! I'm going to buy one this year and I have a sheltered place that faces south for the sun. I have my soil wet but it's too soon to start anything yet. I live in Indiana so right now we still have snow on the ground from 3 snows which is unusual as in this part of the state it doesn't snow often and when it does it melts the next day.


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