Scavenger Hunt

Sunday, 1 November 2015

Half Term Sewing

Hello Folks!

I dragged my sewing machine out from underneath the stairs and I've been Christmas making.  I'm going for a handmade look so along with bought Christmas decorations I'm making some of my own too.

Firstly I went into Stroud and bought some Christmassy Fabrics.  
Then I got my 'workspace' ready, well, the kitchen table.  I pondered about opening the table out to make it bigger but decided it would be ok.
As you can see I am a messy worker and was soon regretting not pulling the table out.
I got this sleeve ironing board on Amazon a little while ago.  It's perfect for small things.  I'm really pleased with it, so much better than having the big ironing board out.
I've been making the Twelve Days of Christmas decorations I got free from a magazine last year.
Now, I describe myself as a straight line sewer, so the curves were a little challenging for me.
Here they are, The Twelve Days of Christmas.  I've enjoyed sitting quietly and stitching up the closings by hand.
As you can see some turnings and curves weren't that great, but, do you know?  I'm pleased.
I had much fun choosing the colours of ribbon to match each one.
The other fabric that I bought?  I'm busy with that and I'll show you next time maybe.

Back to school tomorrow.

See you soon.........................Clicky Needles.


  1. Good job on making those ornaments.. I remember making a bunch of fabric ones a long time ago. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  2. Those are pretty spiffy :D I finally fixed my sewing machine last week, so no excuse now to not get on with doing all the sewing 'things' I've been intending to do!

  3. They are so pretty. And love the ribbons. I need to get my machine out, have been doing far too much knitting and crochet.
    Rosezeeta x

  4. Handmade things don't have to be perfect and those look lovely. Well done!

  5. I love the handmade, not perfect things....they are so much nicer than
    bought things. I love your decorations, too cute.
    Cheers, Anita.

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Clicky Needles.