Scavenger Hunt

Monday 23 August 2010

Holiday Nearly Over :-(

The Holidays have nearly gone.
September 1st looms.
The weather has gone rubbish and is raining a lot.
Must be August.
The rain of course, is giving me an excuse to Crochet/Knit.
Here is the progress on the blankie.
If you look in the left hand corner you can see it's nearly reaching the pillow. Waaaaaayyyyyy!!!!!!
All those little bits of double knit yarn that I just couldn't throw away have nearly all gone.
Progress on the Ruffly Shrug was also going well, but sadly, after I sewed up the arms it is too tight!!! Of course, there is a moral here ~ don't measure your arms yourself ~ get someone else to do it. I'm not going to frog it ~ the yarn is a bit splitty and I'm not sure it will take kindly to being undone. It was only £5.00 for both balls so I don't mind too much.
Someone else did express an interest in it ~ so I'll see if she would like it.
So that's in the naughty corner and I started this.
The yarn is Rowan Wool Aran FROM MY STASH and the pattern Garter Stitch Swingy Sweater . After the 4ply of the the Ruffly Shrug it's great whizzing along in an Aran Weight Yarn. I enjoying this quite a lot ~ particularly as it is Top Down Construction so should be a perfect fit.
These could be famous last words ~ we shall see!
With DS starting secondary school next week we went shopping for his uniform. He decided that he really liked the PE kit and stayed in it for the rest of the day.
Here he is making an Airfix Model of a Bren Gun that he spent some of his holiday money on. As you can see it is tiny.
Mr Clicky Needles says he couldn't do it but DS happily sits for hours making.
I also made some Cup Cakes in these silicone cases. Now obviously I bought them because of the colours but they really are quite good as well.
The cakes were demolished fairly quickly!
On the garden front we've been eating potatoes which we grow in big pots.
This has it's pros and cons ~ no slug damage at all, but not as many potatoes.
Still very tasty.
I had a bit of a push on the front garden too.
Mr Clicky Needles has a few days off so we are going to have a go at the
Hopefully it'll be a bit safer for him!
Ok I'm off now the wrap myself up in Purple Garter Stitch Squishiness and maybe clean the cooker.
I'm not sure which to do first?
mmm.........I'll have a think on that.
Have a nice week whatever you're doing.
Bye for now Clicky Needles.


  1. the ruffly shrug looks beautiful - any friend would be delighted to receive it

  2. We'll see if it fits you next time we meet!!!


Thanks so much for popping in to read my ramblings!
Please leave a comment ~ I do appreciate them.

Clicky Needles.