Hello Folks!
Christmas Eve is upon us.
The utility room is not finished but we have hung the wall units and shoved all the stuff back in.
We reclaimed the space that the flat packs took up, and just 3 days ago, got the Christmas Tree up. I came downstairs the next day to find .........
Oh rats.
Back up and redecorated.
I went for a forage in my Mum and Dad's garden to find some greenery for my door wreath. I made this yesterday and added some little copper lights.
Our Christmas plans have been changed somewhat because Master Clicky has covid. Mr Clicky and me have done PCR tests and we are both fine so that's not too bad. Master Clicky is just mildly ill but he's not allowed anywhere near us, thankfully he is happy to stay in the study, gaming. We were planning the have Miss Clicky, Mr S-I-L and Baby Needles for Christmas day that's been put back to next week, as long as Master Clicky is negative.
Thats me for now, have a wonderful Christmas, even if your plans have changed and don't forget to track Santa with Norad and go to bed before he comes.
H A P P Y C H R I S T M A S.
Clicky Needles xx